life is life

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
i haven't updated my blog for months& yes i know. the busy-ness strikes as i now living in hostel away from home which is away too from the Internet and so on.

in Samura, i've learnt a lot of things. i mean bunches of things. back in my old school years, people do take care of me. people do always wanted to be my friends and i really have a lot of functions. but after i enter Samura all the things i used to have were all gone. i had to start from the bottom. you know it was hell. totally hell. can you imagine the one who used to be the loudest in the class automatically be the silent out of all.

in Samura, i've learnt to accept whatever that comes in front of us, we should do it. in Samura, i've to accept what kind of looks people gave to us. you know, seriously it was bloody hell. of course i hate it. if people ask me about my school, i would proudly say i hate Samura. only a few are exception.

but then, i have to stand on reality that this is life. life will always be life. life is like a moving wheel. you will not forever be at the top. and you will not forver be at the bottom.

well, i should always think positive whenever something pops out in front of me. lessons should be learnt.