expecting not

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
people tend to judge me as friendly, kind, and blur sometimes. well some of them might correct but some of them are not. people think im friendly?

well it depends on some conditions. i used to be not friendly.
im picky. yes it is.
i choose which person i want to say hi.
maybe yes. maybe not. it depends on you.

would like to be.
but same goes on above.
i choose people.
some people i would treat really nice.

accept or ignore.
i don't mind. im tired of thinking people's feelings.

your attitude is really the main point. i can't deal with people with bad behaviour.
sorry not sorry dont blame me if i used to take a seriously risky action on people with bath manners.

well, some time you have to be nice but not too nice. because being too nice, people will put you down. always have confident on yourself. never look down on people and never let people look down on you.

always have courage. always spread your love. always spread your wings. always fly high and higher.