im learning

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
literally i got so busy with my social media news. i dont own a cell phone and of course i share my whatsapp with my mom's (actually i used her account) and all of all i use my mom's cell phone and make it as my own. sorry mommy.

i joined a few groups from my schoolmates, and this one group is reallyyyyy full of notifications. poor my mom's phone. always have the ringing sound that came from that phone. and this one thing happened this morning

my mom wanted to teach me how to cook noodles, so i did while the phone was on my hand (so clinching with the phone nowadays sorry) and one message came out from the notification, i read it and my reaction was so hambar


why this girl really has to say everything?
you really want everyone to know about ya?
excuse me, do u really an attention seeker?
what is your problem girl?

everything on above were playing on my mind when i read the messages that came out. i felt annoyed with that girl so i told my mom that i cant stand with the girl's behaviour and guess what, my mom told me,

"you don't like it, clean the notification. why burden your mind thinking about useless thing?"

gosh ohmygod that was really deep mom. thank you for the statement.

so i learnt something, you dont have to burden yourselves to think about stupid things. just put it away if you think it's useless. and if you think it will teach you something, then fix it. im learning something new today. always have positive thoughts and be positive.